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Question Summary:
Am I being affected by wasāwis or do I have ikhlās in the good deeds I perform?

Question Detail:

I have serious question...May be I am being disturbed by waswasas but I really need an advice...Whenever I am doing something e.g.,am taking my brother out to play or even am doing somework(which my parents have told me to do or otherwise) thoughts come in my mind that am I doing this for Allah's sake or just out of my love for my family...as Allah says in the Qur'an that my life and my death are all for Allah(whatever I do in this world) and in a sahih hadith it is said that Allah will not accept any deed unless it is done purely for the sake of Allah...this condition is trying to break me apart...i also even used to think up that am I eating for the sake of Allah or to gain energy to perform other worldly activities...please answer thoroughly and if you don't understand my condition properly then please do ask me...(As-Salamu-Alaikum)peace be on you

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
The commands of Allah fall into two broad categories: huqūq Allah (the rights of Allah) and huqūq al-'ibād (the rights of the servants of Allah).  When a person is fulfilling the rights of Allah, there is no room for any other intention or feeling.  The deed (recitation of the Quran, Salāh, etc.) is only for Allah.
Likewise when a person is fulfilling the rights of the servants of Allah (playing with his brother, carrying out an errand for his parents, etc.) then too the intention is for Allah only as in the case of huqūq Allah. However, since Allah has created love and mercy between people we feel a natural disposition to be kind and helpful to our family as a result of which we might doubt our real intentions.
When a Muslim helps his family, he does so believing in Allah and aware that he is fulfilling huqūq al-'ibād.  That is why he considers being kind and obedient to his parents as an integral part of his faith and hopes to be rewarded for this deed.
You should not feel confused about your intentions when fulfilling your obligations towards your family. Disregard them as a trick of Shaytān and continue to do the good deeds you are doing. Shaytān is well aware that he cannot get you to disbelieve all of a sudden.  What he can try doing is make you leave off good deeds one-by-one by sowing confusion in your mind about your sincerity and your intentions.
Likewise, your eating to gain strength is also a command of Allah and a right that your nafs (self) has over you. It is part of the balance that is to be maintained for a Muslim to fulfill all his other obligations effectively. When done with this end in mind, worldly activities (i.e. eating, working, resting, refreshing the mind with permissible activities etc.) also become good deeds done for the sake of Allah.
In a well-known hadīth, Salman Al-Farsi (radiyallahu anhu) advised Abu Darda (radiyallahu anhu): “....Your Lord has a right over you, your nafs (self) has a right over you, your family has a right over you, so give each one who has a right on you their proper due. So Abu Darda (radiyallahu anhu) came to Rasulullah (salallahu alayhi wa sallam) and mentioned the advice of Salman Al-Farsi (radiyallahu anhu) to which Rasululallah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied 'Salman has told the truth.'” [i]
Whenever in doubt, trust that your intention is for the sake of Allah while making duā to Him to accept your good deeds and grant you ikhlās. Every good deed you perform, whether assisting your parents, playing with your brother, or eating to gain strength, always hope that Allah will accept it and give you the reward for it by His sheer Mercy and Compassion.  This way you will have sincerity in your deeds and increase your reliance on Allah in all your affairs.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Mawlana Sohail ibn Arif
Student, Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
آخى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بين سلمان وأبي الدرداء ، فزار سلمان أبا الدرداء ، فرأى أم الدرداء متبذلة [i]
 فقال لها : ما شأنك ؟ . قالت : أخوك أبو الدرداء ليس له حاجة في الدنيا . فجاء أبو الدرداء ، فصنع له طعاما ، فقال : كل ، قال : فإني صائم ، قال : ما أنا بآكل حتى تأكل ، قال : فأكل ، فلما كان الليل ذهب أبو الدرداء يقوم ، قال : نم ، فنام ، ثم ذهب يقوم ، فقال : نم ، فلما كان من آخر الليل ، قال سلمان : قم الآن ، فصليا ، فقال له سلمان : إن لربك عليك حقا ، ولنفسك عليك حقا ، ولأهلك عليك حقا ، فأعط كل ذي حق حقه
  فأتى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فذكر ذلك له ، فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : صدق سلمان
صحيح البخاري كتاب الصوم الرقم: ١٩٦٨

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