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Question Summary:
After making ghusl is it still necessary to make wudu before performing Salat?

Question Detail:

1. If I do ghusul do I have to do wudu after for salat? 2. Please outline the correct method of ghusul for men and women. 3. Is wudu valid if I do wudu with no shirt on just trousers? Inshallah me and my family will be going on umrah soon, please make dua for us for save travel, good health and good intentions when performing umrah.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
When making Ghusl one should:
First wash both hands up to the wrist.
Then wash the private parts (back and front), regardless of whether or not there is any impurity on them.
If there are any impurities on the body it should then be washed.
Then make complete wudu.
Afterwards pour water over the head three times.
Then over the right shoulder three times.
Then over the left shoulder three times.
(When pouring water over the shoulders care should be taken that the water reaches the entire body.)
When taking a shower the head and shoulders may be positioned accordingly.
It is fard to:
Gargle the mouth such that the water reaches everywhere
Wash the nose up to the soft tissue
Pour water over the entire body.
If any area was left dry during ghusl that area only should be washed and there is no need to repeat the ghusl. (Bahishti Zewar Vol. 1; Pg. 65-66)
If ghusl was made in this manner there will be no need for wudu.
Wudu will be valid if made without shirt.
May Allah grant you all a safe trip to Umrah and grant your Umrah Maqbool. Please make dua for us as well.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Saeed Ahmed Golaub
Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

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