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Showing questions from category : Hadith
Question: can expalin this saying for me please its a saying of sheikh albani in the taleeq of muktasar muslim by imam munziri (when isa as will decent he would not be following the torah nor the hanafi mazhab) ….
Question: We have come across this Kitaab of Jarh Wat-Ta’deel and what has been mentioned regarding Imaam Abu Hanifa (RA) is disturbing, so could Mufti saheb please answer the following questions:-
Question: In Fatwa # 14362 from Bangladesh, you said: “There are two situations with the Sunnat of Fajr • If you read the Sunnat you will be able to join the congregation • If you read the…
Question: I want to ask as Imam Sufyan Thawri was a Mudallis so does that weaken the Hadith of Sayyidina Abdullah bin Masood regarding not raising hands except in the beginning of…
Question: We have an electric bat(Something similar to tennis bat), If We hit it with flyes and insects, it will immedialy die by electric shock or by burning, Will it be allowed in islam to kill…
Question: I would like to know your stand on Fazail-e-amal which is being read in Many masjid by People belonging to the tableegh jamaat. I belive you are aware of errors inside the book regards to weak hadeeths & also interpreation of dreams attributed to Prophet saws…
Question: Assala mu alaikum Mufti Sahab Can you please Explain me the Above Hadith? Is Shaving here related to Beard?
Question: Please put some light on the issue and clarify the Issue with references. and give me some information regarding Imamat as to how should I lead prayers?
Question: “A time is certainly coming upon mankind when one who does not have the ‘yellow’ (gold) or the ‘white’ (silver) will not be able to meet his/her daily expenses”. Authenticity?
Question: hadith for refutations

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