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Showing questions from category : Hadith
Question: can you please tell me if this hadith is found in any of the hadith books. Rasulullah (saw) said to hazrat Ali (ra): oh ali: 1) give 4000 dinar in sadaqa daily, 2) read a whole quran..
Question: I refer to the long hadith below. Is it authentic and what is the source of the narration?
Question: I have heard from hadith that making of figures is haram that is statues but iam confused about figures means only statues or portraits of human. I would like to draw human faces for money . please give a detail information about it.
Question: I am searching for what I think is 2 hadiths and have not been able to trace the reference. Would you please be so kind as to confirm whether these are hadiths or not and also to provide the …
Question: What is the status of the hadeeth (The diffrences of my ummah is a mercy .Or the diffrences of my companions is a mercy ) jazak Allah khair
Question: imam malik reported a narration from ibn umar:one person came to hte prophet saw and said that the world has abandon him.the prophet saw said to him that why did he forget…
Question: What does the quote “The ink of a scholar is more holy than the blood of a martyr” mean? Does it have something to do with education and schooling?
Question: Brother the prophet Muhammed(PBUH) has stated not to write or preseerve Hadith…
Question: i read the topic on your website ” Why are muslims suffering”. In point 23 the opperessive leader you qouted a hadith “Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wa Sallam) said: …
Question: I have heared in one jumma taqrir, that Allah pak will allow paradies to those person who carries iman just like a mustard seed (RAI KE DANE KE BARA BAR), kindly expalin me this hadish in detail,

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