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Showing questions from category : Hadith
Question: i wanted to ask u abt the removal of facial hair from a womens face.. U said tht it is advisable that women get rid of their facial hairs, while in Bukhari shareef, there is a hadith contradicting….
Question: I wanted to ask you a question in regards to a story which I have heard being related and even read in the tafseer of Surah Al-Insaan (Ad-Dahr). The story is in regards to when Hasan (raa) and Hussein (raa) had fallen ill and Ali (raa) had made an oath…
Question: I recently came across an email from a Christian referring to a hadith. Could you please let me know if the hadith is Sahee and what can we learn from such a Hadith? What was the hadith trying to show?
Question: The Salah of whoever approaches a fortune teller and asks him about anything will not be accepted for 4- days and nights (Reported by Hafsa and collected by Muslim) Is this hadith correct?
Question: Salaah (daily prayer) of whoever approaches a fortune-teller and asks him about anything will not be accepted for forty days and nights.” [Reported by Hafsah and collected by Muslim
Question: Can you please provide the reference for that Qawl of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)?
Question: it was narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), said to his companions when they returned from a military campaign, “We have come back from the lesser jihaad to the greater jihaad.” …
Question: I want to know whether this incident has any reference in sahi hadith or any other authentic islamic book!..
Question: Hajrat before few days I had told someone this Hadis as a Hadis e Qudsi “ALLAH says, If you turn 70 times a day with repentance and ask for forgiveness I would forgive you and I shall not care…
Question: please let me know if this hadith is sahi hadith (10 good deeds)

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