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Showing questions from category : Wudu
My wife recently went for a cervical smear test, the process involves a nurse inserting a plastic instrument through the private part and taking a swab of the cervix, does this make ghusl compulsory?
I am living in Australia. In here most of the time we have to use public toilet. I just want to know after go to toilet by using paper towel can I pray or do I have to take shower.
I made wudhu and after that I start breastfeeding my baby,at that time my husband was sitting in front of me and aswe were talking he just looked at my breast,so do I still have…
My right toe was dressed due to some injury, and I had intercource with my wife, How do I shall be able to offer prayer? I mean what is the right way to have “Ghusal-e-Janabat”?..
plz let me know if wadu is required after havin bath ,or can we pray directly after bath,as my brothers ustad (teacher) who is helping him memorise quran told him so.secondly ….
My wife and I were just making love, not intercourse just love without clothes on. My semen came out, does ghusul become fardh on me? can I just make wadhu and pray salaat…
There are lot convolutions on the private part due to twice and improper circumcision. Even after washing there will be a lot of impurities inside these convolutions and holes in the skin. What the ruling for cleaning or one should go for plastic surgery. Please advise.
Last night i went to the cinema and i had an urge to go to toilet. i could not hold myself in and i had to go. when i went to use the toilet i did my duties but then relaized that there is no washing facility. would my wudu be broken if i wiped?
1. Firstly the problem is when I urinate, some drops come out after and this is obviously napaak. 2. wanted to know about how to correctly perform Istinga?
i was just wondering is it ok to read the quran online like an computer, ipods and such devices, i mean most of these stuff are usually used for alot of other things as well. i found
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