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Showing questions from category : Wudu
Question: Is it permissible to take a shower while standing or one should take shower in sitting posture?
Question: 1. If you have a wet dream and you notice the stains on your underwear or sheets in the morning is it necessary to wash your sheets? 2. I sometimes wash clothes with my hands rather than in a washing machine. Are the splashes from washing these clothing impure?
Question: 1) If impurity, like urine or vomit etc, fell on the carpet, will the carpet become pure by cleaning the impurity with a wet sponge thrice? 2) Will the impure sponge become pure by cleaning it thrice?
Question: If someone has some blood or pus that has only come out of the pimple , Will the wudhu break because of this or will the wudhu remain intact?
Question: I have a query regarding the internal scaning for pregnent women, does internal scanning make the women napaak?
Question: 1=how much must a person have to wash his hind private part when a suppository has been put, is it necessary to wash with soap , 2= how extent must a women wash [ istinga] in roza during fast…
Question: If you are in an impure state and you touch and hold various items e.g remote controls, cellphones etc. do these items become impure and will they have to be washed/ wiped
Question: I read your other fatwas about the urine drops and its avoidance i-e coughing and shaking the lower part of the body or put the tissue paper. I always make sure that there are no drops coming out by waiting in the washroom , but get into waswaas that urine drops will be on my clothes
Question: I want to ask you that if your clothes are napak (impure) and you sit somewhere or sleep on your bed, does your bed and everything on which you sit will become napak (impure).?
Question: is it permissable to make wudhu and read namaz whilst you have false teeth inserted

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