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Showing questions from category : Misc. Fiqh
Question: i would like you to analyse the Fatwa given by the Brelvi Ulama regarding folding the trousers above the ankles in salaah,they say that it is makrooh e tahreemi to fold the trousers above the ankles…
Question: i wanted to know as a female about your opinion or ruling about laser hair removal for facial hair except eyebrows ?
Question: Why we only call people to Amal (salat,zikir,dua,..) but dont try to establish islam in the government level.if we dont try so then we cant follow islam properly.because we have
Question: is a lung transplant permitted in islam?
Question: what kind of toys can i give to my daughter. whether it is allowed to give her rubber toys in the shape of duck, rabbit or any other funny shapes and stuffed dolls etc. please guide me in detail
Question: over the years i often heard, that keeping a cat as a pet is sunat. is this true? my question is. .
Question: I’d like to know if Egg Donation is allowed in islaam
Question: I have heard of the Islamic ruling concerning slave women and concubines. I have heard that slave owners may have sexual intercourse with their female slaves, without marrying them.
Question: 1) in ramadan how many tarawihs are accepted. 4,8,12 etc. i am a mother of 3 mashalah and shattered by end of day. if i cannot read them is it a sin.
Question: Can the fast of 15th of Sha’ban also be intended to make up for the fast of Ramadan one missed

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