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Showing questions from category : Misc. Fiqh
Question: 1. Have you studied closely the criteria of Wifaqul Ulama london, and Rabetatul Ulama Batley. 2)If so, do you agree with them. 3) Decision to follow South Africa’s ru’yat in the event of no sighting in UK, even with no imkaane ru’yat in UK according to astronomic calculation…
Question: 1. I have heard from a lot of people that month of safar is unlucky, and insecure month. Is it true or false ? 2. If sperm is passed away with urine, is it obligatory to perform ghusl?? 3. Can a person from hanafi maslak pray salatul witr behind a imam who is from shafi maslak and also can we make dua in fajr fard prayer behind them.
Question: 1. what does Islam say about music 2. To what extent should a women cover up in Islam 3. Is accountancy Haram in Islam
Question: I am doing development of a mobile device, where I need to put Aazan and Duaa in the mobile. I want to know, if there is a copyright for this sound?
Question: the business that we have of to bacco glass pipe — is that a haram business—because i think—- but not sure that if our business of sellings tobacco glass pipe is not halal
Question: your private question
Question: 1. I want to go to offer Umrah this year, but I’ve a problem, after Urine I got drops problem and it is very old desease…..2)2. What is the relaxation for me for offering 5 times a pray, I’m a businessman and it is very difficult for me to change cloths 5 times.
Question: 1) What is your view regarding use of alcohol gels as anti-septic agents. 2) Are you aware of any specific islamic remedy for depression.
Question: is it permissible to be a vegetarian?
Question: 1. If a person’s heart stops, hospital tries to revive by pressing on the heart. But in case of older people, they recommend to let the person die, (euthanasia) 2. If a person is brain damaged, but can breath on self and does not require artificial life support. But requires feeding tube to be fed. is it allowed to remove the feeding tube.

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