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Showing questions from category : Marriage
Question: can a 15 year old boy propose a 21 year old girl….is there any age barrier in islam….but the marriage will not be held at present
Question: My wife and I originally married before converting to Islam…Some months later we had a larger wedding for our family. This was not an Islamic wedding but there was one Muslim that attended. After reading information about the fiqh of Marriage (having 2 witnesses, a wali, etc) I had some doubts
Question: My nikah was done in a mosque about 4 months back and the Rukhsati is due later this year. I belong to a typical South Asian Family in Pakistan where celebrations like dholki, mayoon, mehndi, shaadi are rampant in the culture.Please inform me of the correct way to go about, and what area i should be flexible or slightly accommodating in my demands?
Question: There are Imams here in America who are of the opinion that we cannot marry two, or three, or four wives, as stated in the Qur’an, because polygamy is against the law in the US
Question: Boy’s mother has fed milk to the girl when the girl was less than 2 year old. Girl is the daughter of maternal uncle of boy. Can the boy marry girl’s younger sister.
Question: can a man marry to jews or christian girl without changig her religion….
Question: Just recently in our relationship we both promised “by Allah, I promise myself to you” Both of us promised this to each other, then, engaged in sexual intamacy. What is status of our relationship?
Question: “Is it necessary or mandatory that both bride and groom should meet in person (for the purpose of marriage, accompanied by parents)?”
Question: I am in a situation where the girl’s mother is not agreeing to our marriage. We have tried everything possible but she is still not doing anything….Would that be possible, i.e. we do nikah twice?
Question: 1. Can you provide me the translation of jummah Khutba and the rules regarding it… brother was marriag to english girl who converted 4 months after they seperated and have been for 5 years. Is the nikah still valid or does he have to give her divorce?

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