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Showing questions from category : Divorce
Question: My wife has filed for divorce in English civil court and also submitted an application for khula in the British Sharia Council (BSC).
Question: he said the three talaaqs unknowingly without thinking of the consequences. within minutes he realised what he had done, he did not mean it at all,….
Question: i want to ask that in anger talaq is valid ?
Question: Please can you advise me at the correct way a talaq should be done?
Question: If a woman has a husband, and had zinat (adultry) outside marriage, and had a baby outside marriage herewith, what is the purnishment on this for the woman? And for this, is the lady automatically divorced?
Question: My husband had been drinking came home smashed a door down, he came into the room i was in, and said there are two witnessess (my father and brother) i’m going to divorce you. And said ‘i divorce you, i divorce you, i divorce you…
Question: Kindly clarify whether in the above scenario, all 3 talaqs has happened or not…
Question: With reference question no.2 to Fatwa # 15271. I had seek opinion of islamic scholar in Saudi Arabia and narrated the incident in full to him …
Question: During an argument, my husband said to me: “”i divorce you, i divorce you, i divorce you” 3 times all in the same sentence. He said this in front of my father in law. …He wants me back and I want my marriage to stay valid as well.
Question: I ll asked how about opinion in Mazhab Hanafi for divorce women when she will married again should be attend by Wali & 2 witness or not?…How Iman Abu Hanidah said regardless?…If not attend by wali & 2 witness that marriege was legal by Islam or not? Please explain accordingly…Jazakalah Khairan Khatsira

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