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1) Based on the time period since we are here so are we called as Makki 2) 2) From your different Fatwa’s it came to our knowledge that we cannot offer any other type of Hajj except Hajj-e-Ifrad. 3 ) 3) Can we clear and cut our unwanted hairs, hairs, and nails after 1st Zil Hajj as we are offering Hajj and also Qurbani.
I have read many Haj book , but they confuse each other, then I tried some tafseer and Hadees sahrah and I found the….
Please guide me in detail about the Hajj as i will be performing Haj-e Tamattu.
Can a Hajj-e-badal be made for a deceased person who had already done their Hajj in their lifetime?
1. If a woman used to loose hair continously, what is the ruling regarding loosing hair in the state of ihram speacially during ablution?…2. On 10th of Dhul-Hijja what is the sequence to perform stonning, sacrifice, shaving and Tawaf-e-Ziyara. Is it permissible to do the Tawaf first with Ihram?
Inshallah me and my wife will perform Hajj this year, Although i have a good earning but still iam short of some money for Hajj and i am taking it from my friend as a loan so that i….
How early Tawaf-e-Qadum can be done? Is it required to do it on 8th of Dhul-Hijja or it can be done on 7th and earlier?
I am a female living in Jeddah. I performed umra but forogt to trim my hair at the end of it. As soon as I returned home to Jeddah I remembered and cut my hair. Is my umra valid. Any compensation?
I have been blessed by Allah (S.W.T) with the privilege of residing in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Alhamdulillah I have made intention to perform my 1st Hajj this year. (May Allah (S.W.T) accept it & make it
I would like to know about the different types of haj. When can a person perform those haj? What are their durations? I heard one can perfom the haj even in 5 days. Is it true? Please let me know. Jazakallah
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