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Showing questions from category : Beliefs
Question: Is utilising incantations permissible? Especially black beads worn around the wrist of babies?
Question: Can Mufti Sb please gv a brief explanation What’s the reward of a person who passes away in the month of RamaadanCan Mufti Sb please gv a brief explanation What’s the reward of a person who passes away in the month of Ramaadan
Question: What will be the fate of those ancient people who haven’t received the message of a Prophet, how will they be judged on the day of judgment?
Question: I know taking oath from other than Allah is haram. Does this include Qur’an. Is there any shirk involved here?
Question: There are deeds of 100 years of prayers for the one how does I’badah on the night of Shabe Me’raj. Is the hadeeth authentic?
Question: I want to ask regarding the Mehfil e Meelad conducted here in Madinah Munawwarah every Thursday by SAUDIS. Is it allowed to go to these kind of Majalis?
Question: Can Prophet Muhammad(blessing and peace be upon him) make thing halal or haram by the permission of Allah? Or does prophet Muhammad(blessing and peace be upon him) have authority to make law?
Question: Please advise about a person who says I am a Muslim just because I was born to Muslim parents. He does not pray or fast at all.
Question: Q : I understand that there is a hadith that says eating haraam means ibaadat will not be accepted for 40 days. i understand that the ibaadat is accepted but the noor and barkat will be accepted. Does this mean that there is no reward for it?
Question: My husband gets lots of waswasah about divorce even when eating, drinking or when doing something. He gets a lot of waswasah about many different things. He once got a waswasah about his mother when he was sitting by her but he refused to listen to waswasah ..I also get a lot of waswasahs about islam and Allah. I am ill because I keep talking to myself . Please guide.

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