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Showing questions from category : Beliefs
Question: I live in Amsterdam and I had a rental car for few months from my employer. I put couple of Yaseen sharifs in the dashboard. When I returned that car, I forgot to take out the Yaseen Sharifs,
Question: 1- It has been mentioned in the Quran Shareef that the width of Jannah is according to the heaven and earth,and in hadeeth it mentions that the last person to enter Jannah … and other questions…
Question: i have been specking to some salafi brothers lately we were discussing the topic of iman. my question is: is iman with action and belief or just to believe and what do the hanafi school say? e.g. if i commit an act of kufr and die am i a disbeliever or a sinner?
Question: I was curios when we die, and are reserected, would we be in the state that we died? An example, is from Skeikh Feiz, like stealing. If we die as we are stealing, we will appear in front of God in that that state.
Question: last month i went Jamath and i was very much focused on the Allah’s order following Nabi Saw sunnats now suddenly my mind is diverting towrads the shaitaan acts like seeing non mehrams…
Question: i have just visited a barelvi wbsit on which they have made objection on tableeghi and deoband jamat. the links are as follow…
Question: 1. How any sects of the ummah has created till now as Prophet (saw) stated in a hadith that there will be 73 sects of his ummah? …2. Is ahle sunna wal jamaa is considered as one sect or four madhabs are considered 4 sect?
Question: Is it allowed to think that, other people should get whatever they need?…If I am thinking that other people should also get high level knowledge what I like to get, is it a sin or a good thing?
Question: i am a new Muslim recently took Shahadah last Ramadan Al Hamdulilah and i was just reading a response you gave to a brother regarding reciting Quran in a graveyard for the
Question: I would like to know what is the ruling regarding bowing as a sign of respect during training for martial arts. Should I take my son out of his martial arts class if they refuse him leniency?

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