Question Summary: Selling products on before purchasing them from the supplier Question Detail:
My question is with regards to business. Firstly, I will explain the methods I use to conduct business and transactions in order for you to understand and give me a solution in sha Allah. There are 2 methods which i use: 1) I look for products to sell online and once I find a suitable product I list the product online on to sell. Once the item sells I buy the item from where I found/researched it or wherever else the product is available. I pay for the item and it is sent from the website I buy it from. Hence, I do not receive the item nor do I see it in person. 2) I look for products to sell online and once I find a suitable product then I list the product online on to sell. Once the item sells I buy the item from the store and then I send it to the buyer myself. In both situations when the item sells I do not receive the money until the item has been dispatched thus I pay for the item with my own money. Moreover, Amazon withholds the money the buyer sends and once I confirm that the product has been dispatched thereafter I receive the money in my account. The reasons I choose to sell in these methods is because I am not financially secure to buy the items as I am a student. Also there is the risk that the product may not sell thus I sell on a demand basis whereby if the item sells online then I purchase the item. Please could you advise if the above methods i use are Shariah compliant? If not, please could you suggest alternative methods?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Assalāmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullāhi wa barakātuh The methods you describe are not valid sales in the Sharī‘ah as they amount to selling an item before acquiring ownership of it.[1] An alternative would be to undertake a Bay‘ Salam with the customer. However, this will only be permissible if the commodity is Makīlī (one that is sold by measure), Mawzūnī (one that is sold by weight) or ‘Adadī Mutaqārib (one that has similar units and is sold as a unit).[2] The process shall be as follows: a) The following will have to be clearly mentioned:
The seller is not in possession of the item and will arrange its delivery once the customer has paid the money.
Complete description of the item being sold will have to be stated.
The time duration for delivery will have to be stated.[3]
b) It is necessary for the seller to take an upfront payment from the customer.[4] c) Physical possession or receipt (qabdah) of the commodity is necessary before delivering it to the customer. Alternatively, the seller may appoint Amazon as his agent (wakeel) to take receipt of the commodity from the manufacturer/supplier and then deliver it to the customer. If this is not possible, the freight company should be appointed as his agent to take physical possession of the commodity and deliver it directly to the customer.[5] And Allah Ta‘ālā Knows Best Zameelur Rahman Student Darul Iftaa UK Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] “The subject of sale must be in the ownership of the seller at the time of sale. Thus, what is not owned by the seller cannot be sold. If he sells something before acquiring its ownership, the sale is void.” (Introduction to Islāmic Finance)
[2] الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي (3/ 97)
قال: "وهو جائز في المكيلات والموزونات" لقوله عليه الصلاة والسلام: "من أسلم منكم فليسلم في كيل معلوم ووزن معلوم إلى أجل معلوم" .....
قال: "وكذا في المذروعات" لأنه يمكن ضبطها بذكر الذرع والصفة والصنعة، ولا بد منها لترتفع الجهالة فيتحقق شرط صحة السلم، وكذا في المعدودات التي لا تتفاوت كالجوز والبيض، لأن العددي المتقارب معلوم القدر مضبوط الوصف مقدور التسليم فيجوز السلم فيه، والصغير والكبير فيه سواء لاصطلاح الناس على إهدار التفاوت
[3] للسلم شرائط كثيرة. أحدها: بيان جنس المسلم فيه كقولنا تمر. والثاني: بيان نوعه كقولنا فارسي أو ما أشبهه. والثالث: بيان صفته كقولنا جيد أو ردي. الرابع: بيان قدره في المكيلات بالكيل والموزونات بالوزن والمعدودات بالعدد..... (التاتارخانية، ج 9، ص332، مكتبة زكريا )
[4] الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي (3/ 74)
"ولا يصح السلم حتى يقبض رأس المال قبل أن يفارقه فيه" أما إذا كان من النقود فلأنه افتراق عن دين بدين، وقد "نهى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم عن الكالئ بالكالئ وإن كان عينا"، فلأن السلم أخذ عاجل بآجل، إذ الإسلام والإسلاف ينبئان عن التعجيل فلا بد من قبض أحد العوضين ليتحقق معنى الاسم، ولأنه لا بد من تسليم رأس المال ليتقلب المسلم إليه فيه فيقدر على التسليم،
[5] وللوكيل أن يقبض السلم (التاتارخانية، ج 9، ص382، مكتبة زكريا )
رد المحتار، دار عالم الكتب، ج٧ ص٤٧٠-١