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Question Summary:
If someone has missed his Fajr Sunnat and he performs Farz before the Sunnah because the time of Jamaat has reached now when the person have to pray sunnah?

Question Detail:

1.IF some has missed his fajer sunnat and he performs fariz before the sunnat because the time of jamath has reached now when the person have to pray sunnat please mention.
2.MY Second question is that is it permisible to wear a taweez.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1. If the Fajr fardh salaah was missed together with the sunnah salaah, then both the sunnah and the Fajr qadha should be performed after sunrise until the pre-zawaal time .After the zawaal time, the performance of only the fardh salaah remains obligatory and not the sunnah salaah.[1]
If only the fardh salaah was missed and not the sunnah salaah, then the qadha of the fardh salaah can be performed at any time provided it is not in the non-permissible times(makrooh) which are : zawaal(zenithal time), sunrise and sunset.
It will be makrooh tanzeehi(undesirable) to perform the two rakaats sunnah of the fajr salaah after the performance of the fajr fardh salaah until sunrise.[2] One should perform the missed sunnah salaah after sunrise until the pre-zawaal time.[3]
2. It is permissible for one to wear a Ta’weez. Consider the following Hadeeth:
عن أنس قال رخص رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فى الرقية من العين والحمة والنملة
Hadrat Anas (RadiyallahuAnhu) reports that Nabi (SallalahuAllaihiWassalam) gave him permission to do ruqya for evil eye, fever, the numbing of a limb. (Saheeh Muslim. 406/14)
However, we advise that one recites certain prescribed Du’aas and Azkaar instead of using Ta’weez.
Kindly refer to the following links for more details:
1. http://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/18505
2. http://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/15343
3. http://www.askimam.org/public/question_detail/19468
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best                                       
Ismail Desai,
Darul Iftaa
Durban, South Africa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

لم تقض سنة الفجر الا بفوتها مع الفرض الي الزوال لا بعد الزوال اتفاقا.مراقي الفلاح.271(1

فتاوي محموديه.260/11

فيقضيها تبعا لقضاءه لو قبل الزوال.رد المحتار.57/11


2 (فتاوي محموديه . 260/11.مكتبة محموديه)


يكره فيهما التطوع و هما بعد طلوع الفجر الي طلوعالشمس. محيط البرهاني.10/2

 (فتاوي محموديه . 260/11.مكتبة محموديه)

اما اذا فاتت وحدها فلا تقضي قبل طلوع الشمس بالاجماع لكراهية النفل بعد الصبح(

(مراقي الفلاح علي هامش الطحطاوي.368)

فتاوي محمودية. 259/11



و يقضيها بعد ما طلعت الشمس عند محمد.محيط البرهاني. 10/2 3

تقضي اذا فاتت بلا فرض بعد الطلوع  الي الزوال استحسانا

(مجمع الانهر.211/1)

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