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Question Summary:
Nafl Salaahs

Question Detail:

I would like ask some questions about expanding my salat. For example, salats that aren't fard but are recommending to pray such as Salāt al-Dhuhā, Salatul Hajat, and how to pray them and what time to pray them. Also if there is any other salats like them can you tell me of them and the virtues of praying them. 

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
It is pleasing to note that you wish to increase your Ma’mulaat (daily practices). May Allah Ta’āla keep you steadfast.
You may include the following Nafl Salahs into your daily Ma’mulaat (practices):

  • Tahajjud Salaah: This is the most virtuous of all Nafl Salaahs[1]. Nabi (Sallallāhu Alaihi Wasallam) has mentioned,
    "افضل الصلاة بعد الفريضة صلاة الليل" 
    Translation: “The best Salah after the compulsory (Fardh) Salahs is the night prayer[2]
    "عليكم بقيام الليل، فانه دأب الصالحين قبلكم، وقربة الي ربكم ، ومكفرة للسيئات، ومنهاة عن الإثم"{ترمذي كتاب الدعاء{
    Translation: “Hold fast to the night prayer, indeed it is the trait of the pious predecessors, it is a means of nearness to your Lord, and it is an expiation for sins and a barrier from sins.”[3]
    The most virtuous time to pray Tahajjud is the last portion of the night.

  • Ishraq:[4] Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has mentioned regarding Ishraq,
    "من صلى الغداة في جماعة ثم قعد يذكر الله حتى تطلع الشمس، ثم صلى ركعتين كانت له كأجر حجة وعمرة، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: تامة تامة تامة"
    Translation: Whosoever performs the Morning Prayer (Fajr) with Jamā’ah then remains seated and makes Dhikr until sunrises then he performs two Rakahs he will gain reward similar to Haj and Umrah.” Rasulullāh mentioned, “A complete (Haj and Umrah), complete, complete.”[5]
    قال: سمعت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم يقول: " يقول الله عز وجل: يا ابن آدم، لا تعجزني من أربع ركعات في أول نهارك، أكفك آخره"
    Translation: I heard the Messenger of Allah () say: “Allah, the Exalted, says: Son of Adam, do not be fail Me in performing four Rakahs at the beginning of the day: I will supply what you need till the end of it.” [6] 
    The time for performing Salah al-Ishraq commences approximately twenty minutes after sunrise  when the sun is above the horizon approximately to the length of a spear and the sun becomes very bright so much so that it becomes difficult to directly look at with the naked eye[7] and ends at mid-morning (halfway between sunrise and zenith approximately 9 am in South Africa). However, it is more virtuous to observe it immediately after its time sets in. (After sunrise, 12-15 minutes[8] or cautiously 20 minutes)[9]
    The minimum Rakahs that can be performed for Ishraq are two and the maximum is four.[10]

  • Salaat Al Dhuha: Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has mentioned regarding Salaat al- Duha,
    عن ابي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: اوصاني خليلي صلي الله عليه وسلم بصيام ثلاثة ايام من كل ِشهر، وركيتي الضحي، وان اوتر قبل ان ارقد.
    Translation: Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) has narrated, “My intimate friend (Nabi) Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam bequeathed to me that I fast three days every month, and that I pray the two Rakahs of Duha, and that I perform my Witr before I sleep”[11]
    The time for Salah al-Dhuha prayer (Chasht prayer) is after the time of Salah al-Ishraq, from mid-morning, until mid-day (Zawal). It is more virtuous to observe it after a quarter of the day has passed.[12]
    The minimum Rakahs for Salaah al Duha (Chasht) are two and the maximum is twelve.[13]

  • 4.     Awwabeen: The six Rakahs after the Maghrib Salah is called the Salatul Awabeen. It is mentioned in a Hadith,
    "من صلى بعد المغرب ست ركعات لم يتكلم فيما بينهن بسوء عدلن له بعبادة ثنتي عشرة سنة"
    Translation: “Whosoever performs six Rakahs after Maghrib, and he does not speak bad between them, they will be made equal to twelve years of worship” [14]
    The minimum Rakahs of Salaat al-Awabeen are six (including the Sunnah Muakkadah) [15]and the maximum is twenty Rakahs.[16]

  • 5.     Tahiyatul Masjid: This Nafl Salah is offered as respect and reverence for the masjid upon entering the Masjid. These two Rakahs can be read any time of the day except the Makrooh times.
  • Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has mentioned,
    "إذا دخل أحدكم المسجد فليركع ركعتين قبل أن يجلس"
    Translation: “When one of you enters the masjid, he should perform two Rakahs before he sits”[17]
    عن جابر بن عبد الله رضي الله عنهما، قال: "أتيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو في المسجد فقال: صل ركعتين"
    Translation: Jabir Ibn Abdullah (Radhiyallahu Anhuma) narrates, “I came to Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) while he was in the masjid. He then instructed me to perform two Rakahs (Due to entering the Masjid).[18]

  • Tahiyatul Wudhu: It is Mustahabb to perform Tahiyatul Wudhu. This Nafl Salaah should be performed immediately after one performs Wudhu before the limbs dry.
    Nabi (Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam) has mentioned,
    عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه: أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال لبلال: «عند صلاة الفجر يا بلال حدثني بأرجى عمل عملته في الإسلام، فإني سمعت دف نعليك بين يدي في الجنة» قال: ما عملت عملا أرجى عندي: أني لم أتطهر طهورا، في ساعة ليل أو نهار، إلا صليت بذلك الطهور ما كتب لي أن أصلي "
    Translation: Abu Hurairah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrates that Rasūlullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said to Bilal, He said to Bilal: "Oh Bilal, tell me the action that you performed during Islam that you have most hope in, because I heard your footsteps in front of me in Paradise." He said: "I did not perform an action more hopeful to me than [the practice] that I do not perform purification in any moment of the evening or morning except I offer with that purification whatever is prescribed for me to pray." [19]

  • 7.     Salaat al-Tasbeeh: The importance of Salaat al- Tasbeeh can be realised from the following Hadith:
    "إن استطعت أن تصليها في كل يوم مرة فافعل، فإن لم تفعل ففي كل جمعة مرة، فإن لم تفعل ففي كل شهر مرة، فإن لم تفعل ففي كل سنة مرة، فإن لم تفعل، ففي عمرك مرة "،
    Translation: “If you have the ability to perform it once everyday, then do so. If you cannot do this, then perform it once every week. If you cannot do so then perform it once every month. If you are unable to do this then perform it once a year. If you cannot do this, then perform it once in your lifetime.”[20]
    The method of performing Salaat al-Tasbeeh is as follows:
    Commence the Salah by making Niyyah of four Rakahs. After Thana one should recite the Tasbeeh “Subhanallahi Walhamdu Lillahi Wa laa Ilaha illallahu Wallahu Akbar” fifteen times. Then, after the Qira’ah before the Ruku’ recite the Tasbeeh ten times (this is twenty five so far). Thereafter, in the Ruku’ after Subhana Rabiyal Azeem one should recite ten Tasbeehs. Then in Qawma recite ‘Rabana lakal Hamd’ and recite ten Tasbeehs. Then in Sajdah after ‘Subhana Rabiyal A’ala’ recite ten Tasbeehs then in Jalsah recite ten Tasbeehs and in the second Sajdah recite ten Tasbeehs again. For each Rakah it should be seventy five Tasbeehs. In the second, third and forth Rakah recite the same fifteen before Surah fatiha and repeat the rest (Seventy five in each Rakah; total three hundred in all four Rakahs).[21]
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Saleem Ibn Sajawal Khan
    Bradford, UK
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    [1][Fatawa Mahmudiyyah, 7: 233, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Faruqiyyah, Karachi]


    [2] [Sahih Muslim, 2: 821, Hadith: 1163]


    [3] [Sunan Tirmizhi, 5: 444, Hadith: 3549]


    [4] The Ulema differ whether Salaat Al Ishraq and Salaat Al Duha both refer to one single Nafl or two independent Nafl prayers. The following scholars are of the opinion that they are two separate Nafl Prayers:


    Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali

    [Ihyaa Uloom al-Deen, 1: 227 Dar as-Salam]


    Allamah Ala ud-Deen Ali Muttaqi Al Hindi has indicated that they are two separate Salahs by establishing two separate chapters for Salaat al-Ishraq and Salaat al-Duha in his famous book Kanzul Ummal.

    [Kanzul Umaal


    Maulānā Ashraf Ali Thanvi

    [Imdad ul- Fatawa, 6: 198, Maktabah Darul Uloom Karachi]


    Allamah Zufar Ahmad Uthmani has discussed in detail the difference of the two Salaahs in his book I’laa Us-Sunan.

    [I’laa Us-Sunan, 7: 29-30, Idaratul Qura’an]


    Mufti Mahmud ul Hassan Gangohi

    [Fatawa Mahmudiyyah, 21: 463; 5: 334, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Faruqiyyah, Karachi]


    Mufti Rashid Ahmad Ludyanwi

     [Ahsan al-Fatwa, 3: 465, H. M. Saeed Company]


    Many other great scholars have also accepted this opinion.


    [5] [Sunan Tirmizhi, 1: 727, Hadith: 586]


    [6] [Sunan Abi Dawud, 2: 27, Hadith: 1289]


    [7] عند طلوع الشمس إلى أن ترتفع الشمس وتبيض قدر رمح أو معين


    [Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Durr al-Mukhtar, 1: 371, H. M. Saeed Company; Mahmudiyyah, 5: 334, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Faruqiyyah, Karachi]


    [8] [Fatawa Rahimiyyah, 4: 82, Dar al-Isha`at, Karachi]


    [9]  [Fatawa Mahmudiyyah, 21: 463; 5: 334, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Faruqiyyah, Karachi]


    [10]  [Ahsan al-Fatwa, 3: 465, H. M. Saeed Company]


    [11] [Sahih Muslim, 1: 489, Hadith: 721]


    [12] قال في العلائية وندب أربع فصاعدا في الضحى علي الصحيح من بعد الطلوع إلى الزوال ووقتها المختار بعد ربع النهار

    [Radd al-Muhtar ala ad-Durr al-Mukhtar, 1: 639]


    [Hashiya At Tahtawi Ala Maraqiy al Falah, 1: 538, Dar Al Quba]


    [Ahsan al-Fatwa, 3: 467, H. M. Saeed Company]


    [13] [Ahsan al-Fatwa, 3: 465, H. M. Saeed Company]



    حدثنا أبو كريب يعني محمد بن العلاء الهمداني الكوفي، قال: حدثنا زيد بن الحباب، قال: حدثنا عمر بن أبي خثعم، عن يحيى بن أبي كثير، عن أبي سلمة، عن أبي هريرة، قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: من صلى بعد المغرب ست ركعات لم يتكلم فيما بينهن بسوء عدلن له بعبادة ثنتي عشرة سنة.  وقد روي عن عائشة، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال: من صلى بعد المغرب عشرين ركعة بنى الله له بيتا في الجنة.حديث أبي هريرة حديث غريب، لا نعرفه إلا من حديث زيد بن الحباب، عن عمر بن أبي خثعم. وسمعت محمد بن إسماعيل: يقول: عمر بن عبد الله بن أبي خثعم منكر الحديث وضعفه جدا.

       [Sunan At Tirmizhi, 5: 559 Bashaar]


       [Sunan Ibn Majah, 1: 369, Hadith: 1167]


    [15] [Fatawa Mahmudiyyah, 7: 206, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Faruqiyyah, Karachi]



    [16]  [Ahsan al-Fatwa, 3: 465, H. M. Saeed Company]


    [17] [Sahih al-Bukhari, 1: 96, Hadith: 444]


       [Sahih Muslim, 1: 494, Hadith: 714]


    [18][Sahih al-Bukhari, 1: 96, Hadith: 443]


      [Sahih Muslim, 1: 495, Hadith: 715]


    إِذَا دَخَلَ أَحَدُكُمُ الْمَسْجِدَ فَلْيُصَلِّ رَكْعَتَيْنِ قَبْلَ أَنْ يَجْلِسَ


    [Sunan Ibn Majah, 1: 324, Hadith: 1013]


    [19] [Sahih al-Bukhari, 2: 53, Hadith: 1149]


    [20] [Sunan Abi Dawud, 2: 29 Hadith: 1297]


    [21] [Fatawa Mahmudiyyah, 7: 251, Dar al-Iftaa Jamiah Faruqiyyah, Karachi]



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