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Questions regarding Salaah

Question Detail:

1.I have heard that it is necessary to say the takbir tahreema loud enough to hear it your self. Is this a waajid condition? Does the salaah be accepted even if one does not hear himself say the takbir, but he does move his lips in saying it?
2. Also, if a person struggles with recitiation in his salaah, whereby he finds it difficult to pronounce some letters, would his namaz be done even if he does not ensure every letter is recited correctly
3. Finally, what is the best method to be sure that the ghusl is completed correctly when a person continues to be unsure that some areas may be left dry. if hairs are left dry, is it accepted if the water has washed the skin underneath.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
1. Takbeer-e-tahreemah is a pre-requisite for the validity salah[1]. Without takbeer-e-tahreemah, one’s salah will be invalid. Furthermore, the utterance of takbeer-e tahreemah should be audible enough for one to hear himself.[2] 
2. While performing salah, one should try his utmost best to recite the Quran correctly. At the same time, make a continuous effort to perfect yourself in reciting the Quran.
3. The doubts that you are experiencing are whisperings from shaytaan. Ignore such thoughts that come to mind and do not pay attention to them.
Furthermore, to ensure that one has washed himself thoroughly without leaving any part of the body dry, fulfill all the sunnats of ghusal as the sunnats are there to ensure that the faraaidh of ghusal were observed.
The sunnats of ghusal are as follows:

  • Wash both hands including the wrists.
  • Wash off all impurities if there is any.
  • Wash the private parts even if there are no impurities.
  • Perform wudhu.
  • Pour water over the head thrice.
  • Pour water thrice over the right shoulder and thrice over the left shoulder.
  • Then pour water over the entire body and rub.
  • If the hair of the head is not plaited, it is compulsory to wet all the hair up to the very base. If a single hair is left dry, ghusal will not be valid. If the hair of a woman is plaited, she is excused from loosening her plaited hair but it is compulsory for her to wet the base of each and every hair. If she fails to do so then the ghusal will not be valid.
  • As for men who grow long hair and plait them, they are not excused from leaving their hair dry. If a woman experiences difficulty or is unable to wet the very base of her plaited hair, then it is necessary for her to unplait her hair and wash her entire hair.

  • It is Mustahab (preferable) to clean the body by rubbing it. All parts of the body should be rubbed to ensure that water has reached all parts of the body and no portion is left dry.
    After observing the afore-mentioned sunnats of ghusal, no doubt shall remain with regards to the completion of ghusal.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Fahad Abdul Wahab
    Student Darul Iftaa
    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai                                                                                                                                                                                                                

    [1]  (من فرائضها ) التي لا تصح بدونها (التحريمة)

    [الدر المختار ج١ ص٤٤٢ ايج ايم سعيد]


    (قوله فرضها التحريمة)

    اي ما لا بد منه فيها فان الفرض شرعا ما لزم فعله بدليل قطعي اعم من ان يكون شرطا او ركنا

    [البحر الرائق ج١ ص٢٩٠ ايج ايم سعيد]


    (و) يشترط : (التحريمة) و ليست ركنا و عليه عامة المشايخ المحققين علي الصحيح.

    (و عليه عامة المشايخ) وهو قول المحققين من مشايخنا بدائع. وهو المعتبر من المذهب منية المصلي.

    [حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح ج١ ص٣٠٠ دار قباء] 



    [2] (و النطق بالتحريمة ، بحيث يسمع نفسه ، علي الاصح...)

    فالسماع شرط فيما يتعلق بالنطق باللسان التحريمة.

    (فالسماع شرط) تفريع علي الاصح الذي في المصنف

    [حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح ج١ ص٣٠٣ دار قباء]


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