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Question Summary:
Is it correct to call Mawlana Muhammad Zakariya a Muhaddith even though he mentions fabricated stories in his books?

Question Detail:

Zakkariya Kandhelwi in his book called virtues of Hajj has so many far fetched unsubstantiated stories that it defies belief. On the other had imam Bukhari went to such lenghts to ensure there was no fabrication and no falsehood in his books. To call Kanndhelwi a Sheikh of hadith is an insult to the great scholers and our pious predecessors. 
Some of these stories are Shirk based, he talks about the hand of the prophet coming out the grave to shake someones hand. a person keeping his wudhu for twelve days which is an imposibility and a lie, storys after storys after story. The tablighi jamaat is based on these shirk based foundations.
My question is this when are you actually going to speak the truth and stand up against this and critize this book for what it actually is?
I know you are an Indian and culturally you have to defend it. If you go on Islam qa by Saudi Scholars like Bin Baaz they have explained that this is a dangerous book full of falsehood which even a child can see. I await your answer  

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
Brother in Islām,
We appreciate your e-mail and the concerns you have raised. In academic honesty, the focus is on authenticity and not on ethnic support. As an Indian, we do not have to blindly support another Indian or blindly oppose an Arab. We support whatever is academically correct irrespective of ethnic background.
You have raised an issue of authenticity and fabrication. This is an academic issue. In order to ensure a fruitful and academic discussion, kindly present to us your scholarly credentials.
We assume you have studied the different aspects of the Arabic language, such as Sarf, Nahw and Balāghah.
We also assume you have studied Fiqh and Usool al-Fiqh. If so, then which books have you studied? We may use the books you have studied for our response during our academic discussion.
You may have studied Hadith and Usool al-Hadith. If so, you should be able to differentiate between the different forms of Inqitaa’ in Sanad, such as Mu’allaq, Mu’dhal and Mursal? You may be aware of the different criteria the Muhadithūn have established to determine the authenticity of a narration through which a Hadith is classified as Mawdhoo’ or Mu’allal.
Explain to us your understanding of Daeef and the entire technique of approaching such a Hadīth and the concept of al-I’tibār.
You refer to the denial of a child in determining falsehood. How would you substantiate that? If a child is told about the incident of Mi’rāj where Rasūlullah (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) traverses a great distance in a very short period of time and the child denies the incident would you simply accept the child’s denial? It will be interesting to know your understanding of Karāmāt.
In conclusion, is this the first time you have heard of Shaykh al-Hadīth Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariyyā Rahimahullah? Alternatively, did you hear of him before or have you read his following books,

  • Awjaz al-Masālik ilā Muwatta’ Imām aalik: This is a commentary of Muwatta of Imām Mālik which is in classical Arabic and in twenty volumes. This compilation has received praises from academics around the world, Arab and non-Arab.

  • Lami‘ al-Dirari ‘ ala Jami‘ ’l-Bukhari: Written in Arabic, a collection of the unique remarks on Sahih al-Bukhari presented by Shaykh Rashid Ahmad Gangohi . These life-long acquired wisdoms were recorded by his student Shaykh Yahya Kandhlawi (Shaykh Zakariyya’s father) during their lessons. Shaykh Zakariyya edited, arranged, and commented on his father’s compilation, clarifying the text and adding a comprehensive introduction at the beginning.

  • Al-Abwāb wa ’l-Tarājim li ’l-Bukhari: An explanation of the chapter headings of Imam Bukhari’s Sahih al-Bukhari. Assigning chapter headings in a hadith collection is a science in itself, known among the scholars as al-abwab wa ’l-tarajim (chapters and explanations).

  • 4.      Juz’ Hajjat al-Wida‘ wa ‘ Umrat al-Nabi : A comprehensive Arabic commentary on the detailed accounts of the Hajj of Rasulullah (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam). It includes the details of any juridical discussions on the various aspects of Hajj, giving the locations, modern-day names, and other details of the places the Rasulullah (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam) passed by or stayed at. 
    It may be useful for you to study these monumental works of this great personality to appreciate his academic position.
    You may e-mail your response. We look forward to engage with you in an academic dialogue to dispel your doubts about the contents of Fadhāil-e-Hajj.
    And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
    Muntasir Zaman
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

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