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Question Summary:
Confusion on previous question

Question Detail:

It is mentioned with reference in your Fatwa#: 17985 that:
Ramala, the other daughter of ‘Ali (Radiyallāhu anhu), was married to Amīr Mu’āwiya (Radiyallāhu anhu). However, he was not a Khalīfa.
(Al-Bidāya Wa al-Nihāya, vol 7, pg 314, Dār Al-Hadīth / Al-Nasab wa al-Musāharah, pg 330, Dār Al-Kitāb al-Arabi)
I want to inquire if this is the same Amir Muawiyah (Radiyallāhu anhu) who was the son of Hazrat Abu Sufyan (Radiyallāhu anhu) and father of Yazeed? Who became caliph after Hazrat Hasan (Radiyallāhu anhu)?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. 
The Mu’awiyah that was married to Ramlah, the daughter of Ali (Radiyallahu Anh), is not the same Mu’awiyah who was the son of Abu Sufyan (Radiyallahu anh).
Ramlah was married to Mu’awiyah (Rahimahu Allah) who was the son of Marwan bin Hakam.[1]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Zakariya Memon
Student Darul Iftaa
Chatham, Canada 
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.



وكانت رملة بنت علي عند أبي الهياج،…… ثم خلف عليها معاوية بن مروان بن الحكم بن العاصي. (نسب قريش ,ص: 45- دار المعارف)

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