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Question Summary:
Ghair matlooba qurbani?

Question Detail:

during Eid ul adha, since the last couple of years we are witnessing a new concept called
ghair matlooba qurbani, in which money is paid by a person and qurbani is carried out a place where he cannot participate or witness the qurbani and the meat is distributed among poor people.
Is this type of qurbain valid?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
We do not understand what you mean by matlooba and ghair matlooba qurbani. Ghair matlooba literally means not required. You are probably referring to nafil qurbani.
There are many welfare organisations that are working tirelessly to fulfil the basic needs of the poor and underprivileged in various places around the world especially those that have become victims of the political turmoil in their countries, like Syria etc.
If by ghair matlooba qurbani, nafil qurbani is meant, then to do the qurbani abroad and give the meat to the poor and needy people there is an act of virtue. [1]
In the case of compulsory (matlooba) qurbani, it is advisable to do it personally or witness the qurbani being done. [2]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best
Ismail Dawoodjee
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

[1] تجزئ فيها النيابة فيجوز للانسان ان يضحي بنفسه و بغيره بأذنه لانها قربة تتعلق بالمال فتجزئ فيها النيابة (بدائع ص200 ج4 احياء تراث)
فتاوى محمودية ص500 ج17 فاروقية
[2] فالافضل ان يذبح بنفسه ان قدر عليه لانه قربة فمباشرتها بنفسه افضل من تولية غيره (بدائع ص221 ج4 احياء تراث)
و ان يذبح بيده ان علم ذالك و الا يعلمها شهدها بنفسه و يامر غيره بالذبح كى لا يجعل ميتة (در المختار ص328 ج6 سعيد)

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