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Question Summary:
Can I work as an accountant for an automobile company that deals in insurance?

Question Detail:

I work in an automobile company as an accountant. Mostly I am responsible for maintaining the accounts and ensuring all the transactions are recorded in a timely manner plus I am also expected to prepare all the reports for the higher management.
The problem I feel I am facing is that my employer has insured a lot of its activities for example: there are general insurances like fire and burglary, cash, natural disasters insurance etc. Also as we have a lot of Vehicles in our custody on behalf of suppliers or customers, comprehensive insurance has been taken out to cover any possible damage. As an accountant I am also responsible for providing the values to be insured for vehicles, ensuring all the claim made by my employer to the insurance companies are submitted and accounted for. Also any changes in the specifications for the insured premesis or any of the terms of the insurance policies are explained by me to the insurance companies. Also, the renewal of the insurance policies are my resposibility and I am expected to notify my seniors that the policy is expiring and follow up with the proceedings.
Please advise me as to whether or not my income would be Halal when I am acting in the manner described above specially as I have to point out the particular insurance policy and I have to prompt the concerned from insurance company to confirm approval for claims or confirm coverage although obviously I won't be the one making the final deal or involved in any time of negotiation as we have personnel in operations department for that, but as things get technical, I am expected to assist.

My second question is that I have been feeling that I seem too much religious from appearance as I observe Sunnah atire (also full grown beard Alhumdulillah ) even in my office with special request to my boss. But when it comes to small practical things like protecting gaze or utilising time productively I am not that cautious. Please advise.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
We observe the question is from Saudi Arabia. We therefore assume you are enquiring about the situation in Saudi Arabia. Accordingly, and in order for us to issue a ruling, we need to know what type of insurance policies there are in Saudi Arabia. Are they conventional insurance? And are they compulsory by law?
In principle, your job as an accountant is permissible. Conventional insurance is impermissible [1], and active participation in conventional insurance schemes is also impermissible [2]. Your income for your accounting services will be legitimate. However, your income will be contaminated for taking part in non-Shari‘ah compliant services. 
With respect to your second question, your zeal to act on the Sunnah in your appearance and attire is encouraging. However, you state that you are not so cautious when it comes to “small” things like protecting the gaze. Try to refrain from regarding any sin, no matter how insignificant it may seem, as “small,” as considering a sin to be small is the first step to committing other sins. It is for this reason that such belittling of sins is a major sin. [3]  
Allah Ta‘āla says:
قل للمؤمنين يغضوا من أبصارهم
“Say to the believing men that they should lower their gazes.” (Qur’an, 24:30)
A man must avert his gaze from looking at anything unlawful. One should not be lax in this regard. We recommend that you adopt the following measures to assist you in this undertaking:

  • avoid places where you will be tempted to look at unlawful things
  • keep the company of good and pious people
  • if you are not married, try to fast regularly, preferably every Monday and Thursday
  • Finally, you asked about using your time productively. Every Muslim should appreciate the importance of time.
    Rasūlullāh (sallAllāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: “There are two favours in which many people are in loss: good health and free-time.” (Mishkat, 5155) He is also reported to have said: “Take advantage of five before five,” from amongst which is mentioned, “your free-time before you become occupied.” (Mishkat, 5174) The limited time that we have in this world is the opportunity that Allah has given to us to secure our salvation and elevate our rank in the permanent abode of Aakhirah. This opportunity should not be treated lightly. One of the ways in which you can make more productive use of your time is to manage your day, and set yourself a task list for each day in order to keep yourself occupied. This should include recitation of the Qur’an, offering the prayers at the masjid and attending Islamic programmes. Keep yourself engaged in good things and slowly your heart will turn away from temptations and from wasting time.
    And Allah Ta‘āla Knows Best
    Zameelur Rahman
    Student Darul Iftaa

    Checked and Approved by,
    Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

    وسمي القمار قمارا لأن كل واحد من المقامرين ممن يجوز أن يذهب ماله إلى صاحبه ويجوز أن يستفيد مال صاحبه وهو حرام بالنص
    حاشية ابن عابدين، دار المعرفة، ٩:٦٦٥
    الربا اسم لزيادة مشروطة فى العقد
    بدائع الصنائع، دار إحياء التراث العربي، ٦:٥١٩
    فتاوى دار العلوم زكريا، زمزم پبلشز، ٥:٤٤٢
    Contemporary Fatawa, Idara e Islamiat, 185 - 7
    ومنها بيع السلاح من أهل الفتنة وفي عساكرهم، لأن بيعه منهم من باب الإعانة على الإثم والعدوان وإنه منهي...ونظيره بيع الخشب الذي يصلح لاتخاذ المزامير فإنه لا يكره وإن كره بيع المزامير
    بدائع الصنائع، دار إحياء التراث العربي، ٤:٤٨١
    بيع المزامير يكره؛ لأن المعصية تقوم بعينها، كما صرح به صاحب ((البدائع)) 5: 232، 7: 142، و((الهداية)) 4: 364، و((التبيين)) 3: 297، و((فتح القدير)) 5: 460-461، 6: 108، و((العناية)) 6: 108، وفخر الإسلام في ((شرح الجامع الصغير))
    خلاصة الكلام في مسألة الإعانة على الحرام
    الإعانة حقيقة هي ما قامت المعصية بعين فعل المعين ولا يتحقق إلا بنية الإعانة...أو تعينها فى استعمال هذا الشيء بحيث لا يحتمل غير المعصية
    بحوث في قضايا فقهية معاصرة، دار القلم، ٣٥٨
    استصغار الذنب كبيرة
    إتحاف السادة المتقين، دار الفكر، ٨:٥٧١

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