Question Summary: I born and raised in a shia family. Do i have to repeat all my Salaah after becoming a Muslim? Question Detail:
1) Im a iranian girl born and raised in a shia family. When I was a young child i sometimes use to pray according to shia ruling but it was never regular. However, alhamdolilah during the age of 15 some of my friends were sunni muslims, and being around them inspired me to read more about islam, and started to fast (not in a perfect way, e.g some days i didnt fast because of finding it difficult) however this was to a lack of knowledge about islam and fasting and praying. My parents have never been religious so I havent really got tha knowledge from them. But by around age 17, cant really remember what age. I started to perfect my salah and fast. Reading more about islam and alhamdolilah trying to stay on the right path. My question that ive always wondered is: Before really becoming a real muslim on the right way, do i today have to make up for the missed salats and fast, that i shouldve done while reaching puberty,even though i really didnt have anyone to give me the knowledge and based on my background? 2). Alhamdolilah im married now to a muslim brother. I just recently got married before the month of ramadhan.And because we are newlyweds, his sexual desire is really strong. I try to control him and he tries to, but sometimes he cant help it and starts kissing me and hugging me or touching me. Now, during this morning i was half awake half asleep and realised he was inserting his fingers in my private part. I tried to stop him, but when he continued again i was aware of it, and then got my orgasm. We both regret this act strongly and try to repent to Allah. However, just want to know if this invalidated our fast, since i got a orgasm and he got a bit semen out of his penis. He didnt insert or touch his private part on mine, only by fingers. Please help us, how should we make up for this?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Sister in Islam, We apologise for the much belated response. While we understand the question must be for a Ramadhan fast, we thought a belated response is better than no response at all. This is due to some technical difficulties we seldom experience. We are pleased to hear that you reverted from Shi’ism and accepted Islam. May Allah Ta’ala keep you steadfast upon Imaan. Aameen.
It is not compulsory upon you to repeat those Salaahs and fasts which you missed when you were a Shia. However, if you missed any Salaahs or fasts after you converted to a Sunni Muslim, then those will need to make Qadha for those missed Salaahs and fasts.[1]
If by orgasm you mean your vaginal fluids (mani) were released, then your fast was invalidated and you have to make up one (Qadha) fast only. Similarly, if your husband’s sperm was released, he too will have to make up for one (Qadha) fast. Do make Tauba and repent for not observing the fast correctly.[2]
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Saleem Ibn Sajawal Khan Bradford, UK Student Darul Iftaa
Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
[1] احسن الفتاوى ص 73-106
[2] وإذا قبل امرأته وأنزل ، فسسد صومه من غير كفارة، وإذا قبلت المرءة زوجها فكذلك الجواب في حقها. {محيط البرهاني ج 3 ص 351}
إذا جامع بهيمة ولم ينزل أو ميتة ولم ينزل أؤ ناكح بيده ولم ينزل أو جامع فيما دون الفرج ولم ينزل ، وإن أنزل في هذه الوجوه كان عليه القضاء دون الكفارة لوجود قضاء الشهوة بصفة النقص {فتاوى قاضي خان ج 1 ص 185}
وإن عملت المرأتان عمل الرجل من الجماع في رمضان إن أنزلتا عليهما القضاء والغسل ، وإن لم تنزلا لا غسل عليهما ولا قضاء {فتاوى قاضي خان ج 1 ص 186}
الفتاوى الهندية ج 1 ص304
رد المحتار ج 2 ص 398 ايج ايم سعيد
فتاوى دار العلوم ديوبند ج 6 ص 416
خير الفتاوى ج 4 ص 61