Question Summary: Is it permissible for a Muslim to work in a liquor store as a sale’s man? Question Detail:
Is it permissible for a Muslim to work in a liquor store as a sale’s man?
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. The sale of liquors is a direct form of I’anah ‘alal Ma’siyyah (assisting in sin) which is prohibited. Allah Ta’ala says, وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ And do not assist in sin (Qur’an 5:2) Therefore, working as a sale’s man in a liquor store is impermissible. If a person does not have any source of income and has a family to support, and there is no adequate alternative employment then he will be excused for working at the liquor store. The person should also persistently make Tawbā and Istigfār and continue looking for an alternative employment. This Fatwā is related to a person already involved in such employment. However, it should not be used as a means to start employment at a liquor store. And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Mufti Zaid M Shelia, Student Darul Iftaa Chicago, Illinois (USA) Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai.
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