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Question Summary:
premarital relationship

Question Detail:

Asalam o Alaikom Brother I have question about nikah that what Islam said about when you dont have nikah with a girl but your family members and the girl's family members know that in near by time you both will be engaged so can I touch or kiss that girl before Nikah?

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
According to Shari’ah, it is not permissible for one to engage in all forms of pre-marital relationships. Shari’ah considers the general chastity and decency of the society at large and therefore emphasises on the abstention of all forms of illicit and promiscuous relationships.
Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) advises us in the Qur’an:
و لا تقربوا الزنا
“And do not come near to Zina (fornication)” (Al-Qur’an, 17:32)
While the actual act of Zina has been prohibited, it is understood from the above verse that the different actions leading to the act of Zina have also been prohibited in the same vain.
We advise one to get married as soon as possible.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best                                       
Ismail Desai,
Student Darul Iftaa
Durban, South Africa

Checked and Concurred by,
Moulana Abdul Azeem Bin Abdul Rahmaan

Student Darul Iftaa

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