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Question Summary:
If I get an erection without any sexual action or masturbation(spontaneous erection) and a few drops come out, am I impure? Or Do I just need to clean the drops.

Question Detail:

If I get an erection without any sexual action or masturbation(spontaneous erection) and a few drops come out, am I impure? Or Do I just need to clean the drops.

P.S I think the drops are pre coital fluid?

Answer :

Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabrakatuh,
The emission of fluid after erection is called madhi.
Madhi is Najis (impure). If you were in the state of wudhu, the emission of madhi will invalidate the wudhu.
The private part as well as the garment that got soiled with madhi will have to be washed. It is not necessary to wash the entire garment. Washing the specific soiled portion of garment will suffice.
"ينقض الوضوء" ... "اثنا عشر شيئا" منها "ما خرج من السبيلين" وإن قل
حاشية الطحطاوي على مراقي الفلاح شرح نور الإيضاح ص: 86(
عشرة أشياء لا يغتسل منها مذي
المرجع السابق ص: 100(
"تنقسم النجاسة" الحقيقية "إلى قسمين" أحدهما نجاسة "غليظة"... "وما ينقض الوضوء بخروجه من بدن الإنسان" كالدم السائل والمني والمذي
) المرجع السابق ص: 152(155...
And Allah Ta'āla Knows Best,
Muftī Ebrahim Desai
35 Candella Rd, Durban, South Africa


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