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Question Summary:
Question 1: What is your opinion/the islamic opinion of this name?? … Question 2: But what are your/islamic opinion on the preferred spelling of this name?

Question Detail:

We really appreciate the work done by Darul Iftaa.

We InshAllah intend to name our son Ishaq when he is born.

Question 1: What is your opinion/the islamic opinion of this name??

We are a little confused about the spelling of this name in Latin alphabet.

As you know in Islamic countries this name is spelled Ishaq.

In UK it is spelled Isaac.
In our country it is spelled Isak.

We wish to spell this name as following Isak because we are living in Denmark.

Question 2: But what are your/islamic opinion on the preferred spelling of this name?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
1.      Ishāq was the name of a Prophet.
2.      He was the son of Hadhrat Ibrahim (Allaihi Salaam). He was a glad tiding to his father from the side of Allah Ta’ala, due to him being born after a very long time.
3.      We should inculcate and practise the correct Islamic values in every aspect of our life, even when keeping the names of our children.
The correct pronunciation and spelling of the name Ish
āq is as follows:
اسحاق - Ishāq
Transliteration is as Ish
Ishāq means: Glad tidings

We make Dua to Allah Ta’ala that he grants you a healthy son, and makes your son an Aalim who would be a means of spreading heedayat (guidance) to the four corners of the world. Ameen

Reference: A standard dictionary of Muslim Names, Pg118,
Publisher Islamic book service.
Asmaa ul Ambiyaa, Pg 32, Darul Imaan, Alexandra.
Asmaa ul Atfaal, Maktaba Jazeeratul Alwarad.
And Allah knows best
Wassalaamu `alaykum
Ml. Luqman Hansrot,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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