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Question Summary:
My question is about making sajdah. Is a person allowed to make sajda outside of salaah? I am quite sure I have heard/read that a person can make dua in sajda whilst out of

Question Detail:

My question is about making sajdah. Is a person allowed to make sajda outside of salaah? I am quite sure I have heard/read that a person can make dua in sajda whilst out of salah, but what about just making sajdah without the particular niyyat of making dua, but simply in order to feel humble in front of Allah? Would this kind of sajda be permitted for one who is in the haalat of haidh?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
A person is permitted to make Sajdah outside of Salaah e.g. Sajdatut Tilaawah, Sajdatu Shukr etc.
The Fuqah
ā (Jurists) have not mentioned anything with regards to making Sajdah to feel humble before Allah Ta’āla, rather they have mentioned making Sajdatu Shukr (expressing ones gratitude to Al-mighty Allah). At most, it will be regarded as a permissible (مباح) act. However it is Makrooh to make sajdah after salaah because people consider this to be something sunnah or waajib.
( قوله لكنها تكره بعد الصلاة ) الضمير للسجدة مطلقا .قال في شرح المنية آخر الكتاب عن شرح القدوري للزاهدي : أما بغير سبب فليس بقربة ولا مكروه ، وما يفعل عقيب الصلاة فمكروه لأن الجهال يعتقدونها سنة أو واجبة وكل مباح يؤدي إليه فمكروه انتهى .
( رد المحتار ج2, ص120,سعيد)

When making Sajdatut Tilaawah or Sajdatu Shukr, it is a prerequisite to be in the condition of Wudhu. Hence, it will not be permissible for a woman in Haid to make Sajdah.
( وقالا ) أي محمد وأبو يوسف في إحدى الروايتين عنه ( هي ) أي سجدة الشكر ( قربة يثاب عليها )... ( وهيئتها ) أن يكبر مستقبل القبلة ويسجد فيحمد الله ويشكر ويسبح ثم يرفع رأسه مكبرا ( مثل سجدة التلاوة ) بشرائطها  (مراقي الفلاح, ص500, علمية)
And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Rayhaan Docrat,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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