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Question Summary:
my question is that if i am on my period, do i still perform wu’du so i can make du’a? Is there anything else i need to do before i can make du’a while on my period?

Question Detail:

my question is that if i am on my period, do i still perform wu'du so i can make du'a? Is there anything else i need to do before i can make du'a while on my period?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
It is not necessary for a woman observing her menses to make wudu when offering dua. However, if she does so, then she will be rewarded for it, inshAllah. 
(Aapke Masa’il Aur Unka Hal, 2/73, Ludhyanwi)
لا تقرأ الحائض والنفساء والجنب شيئا من القرآن والآية وما دونها سواء في التحريم على الأصح إلا أن لا يقصد بما دون الآية القراءة مثل أن يقول الحمد لله يريد الشكر أو بسم الله عند الأكل أو غيره فإنه لا بأس به.
(الفتاوى الهندية، 1/43، العلمية)

And Allah knows best
Wassalamu Alaikum
Ml. Sajid bin Shabbir,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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