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Question Summary:
I am working as a software engineer in India. My company is developing a digital TV on the lines of Sony Bravia. Currently the aim is to view Tv with options like parental control according to…

Question Detail:

I am working as a software engineer in India. My company is developing a digital TV on the lines of Sony Bravia.  Currently the aim is to view Tv with options like parental control according to rating of the channel and programs within a channel. The technology used is the first of its kind. In future additional features like controlling the home appliances can be implemented. Our company is developing the entire system from receiving the digital streams to display appropriate contents. I am working in the remote control key handling area, ie route the keys received from the remote control to various applications. Is it permissible for me to do this work?

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
The transaction of purchasing and selling televisions is not permissible (makrooh-e-tahrimi); however, the sale itself will be effective and the funds acquired will be permissible to use. 
لأن بيع آلات اللهو كالبربط والطبل والمزمار والدف صحيح مكروه عند الإمام ، وقالا لا ينعقد بيعها ، والصحيح قوله للانتفاع بها شرعا من وجه آخر
(Al-Bahr Al-Raiq Vol.6 Pg. 71 - Maktabah Rasheediyah)
 (Fatawa Mahmoodiyah Vol.16 Pg.127 - Jami’ah Farooqiyah)
The same ruling will apply for the manufacturing of televisions.
Although, you are not directly involved in the manufacturing of televisions, your work is a means for a sin to come into existence at a later stage. Hence, although it will be permissible for you to take up this job, there will be a certain level of undesirability in your work. The salary received will be permissible, as long as majority of the funds present in your company are not acquired through interest. We would still advice you to seek an employment in a place that has no involvement in sin in any way.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Abu Yahya,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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