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Question Summary:
A female has a period more than ten days does she have to take bath and pray salah on the eleventh day Fajar or tenth day fajr?please reply with reference.

Question Detail:

A female has a period more than ten days does she have to take bath and pray salah on the eleventh day Fajar or tenth day fajr?please reply with reference.

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatoh
A woman will calculate ten days from the time the first discharge of the menstrual blood in terms of hours of the day (240 hours); e.g. she began bleeding on the first of the month at 1:00pm, thus after the elapse of 10 full days she will perform ghusl and perform salāh after 1:00pm (corresponding to the 11th day of the month).
(Nihāyat al-Murād pg. 408, Al-Jaffān wa al-Jābi)
 ثم هذه الايام و الليالي معتبرة بالساعات حتى لو رأت و قد طلع نصف قرص الشمس و انقطع في الرابع و قد طلع دون نصفه فليس بحيض فتتوضأ و تقضي الصلاوات فان طلع نصفه تغتسل و لا تقضي و كذا المعتادة بخمسة رأت و قد طلع نصفه و انقطع في الحادي عشرة و قد طلع اكثره اغتسلت و قضت صلوات خمسة ايام لانها مستحاضة و الا فلا (نهاية المراد قي شرح هدية ابن العماد ص 408 الجفان و الجابي)
And Allah knows best
Ml. Yusuf bin Yaqub,
Student Darul Iftaa

Concurred by:
Ml. Ehzaz Ajmeri,
Student Darul Iftaa

Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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