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Question Summary:
My question is related to Qasam (Swear). 2 years ago i took swear upon the head of my wife that i will not smoke…after two year i have broken it.. my wife is pregnant and I am…

Question Detail:

My question is related to Qasam (Swear). 2 years ago i took swear upon the head of my wife that i will not smoke...after two year i have broken it.. my wife is pregnant and I am worrying about unborn baby, THat the effect of breaking swear can have bad effects on him...IS it possible kindly advise what should I do Asif

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Any oath taken on the name of anyone or anything besides Allah Ta’ala will not be considered as an oath in Shari’a. An oath in Islam can only be taken by the name of Allah or by specific qualities of Allah Ta’ala. (Qudoori, P231)
Insha Allah, the unborn child will not be affected by this oath.
And Allah knows best
Ml. Zakariyya Madatt,
Student Darul Iftaa

Checked and Approved by:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

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