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Question Summary:
According to Fadi Hakura, an expert on Turkey from Chatham House in London, Turkey is doing nothing less than recreating Islam – changing it from a religion whose rules must be obeyed, to one designed to serve the needs of people in a modern secular democracy….. Please give your views

Question Detail:

Alhamdulillah was salatu wassalamu 'ala Rasulillah
As Salam u Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

I am aware that there are circles of Ulema, including at Darul Uloom Deoband, charged wtih the preservation of the Deen from corruption and innovation.  I am worried about one such thing I have come across in the news recently. Please go to the provided website to read about this, if you have not heard of it already, about Turkey's efforts to "The country's powerful Department of Religious Affairs has commissioned a team of theologians at Ankara University to carry out a fundamental revision of the Hadith, the second most sacred text in Islam after the Koran." and "

According to Fadi Hakura, an expert on Turkey from Chatham House in London, Turkey is doing nothing less than recreating Islam - changing it from a religion whose rules must be obeyed, to one designed to serve the needs of people in a modern secular democracy.

He says that to achieve it, the state is fashioning a new Islam.

"This is kind of akin to the Christian Reformation," he says.

"Not exactly the same, but if you think, it's changing the theological foundations of [the] religion. "

Fadi Hakura believes that until now secularist Turkey has been intent on creating a new politics for Islam.

Now, he says, "they are trying to fashion a new Islam."

 I don't know what I can do about it, although I'm no 'alim ud Deen, and I cannot properly ascertain the exact merit of their work, and Wallahu A'lam what they are actually doing there vs. what is being erported in the news.  However, the way Turkey ahs gone about their business with respect to Islam makes me very concerned about this latest development.  It almost feels as if a new school of kharijiyya have surfaced with this effort.  What is to be done about this? I have only just seen the article and the tone of the article makes me hate it with all of my heart.  but I would like confirmation that I am in fact correct in hating what they are doing, and that I should condemn such work.  Furthermore, what can be done by a layman against such a thing?  What may be done by you the eminent Ulema of our Deen to prevent people from falling victim to this?  It seems like the progressive movement has finally created an academic "looking" face to their movement.  This may increase the appeal of such interpretations.  Wallahu A'lam  I pray that whatever the means Allah guides us all to his correct path, and that he corrects me lest I am in error about it now.  This is why I seek your help.
may this message find you all in the best of health and Imaan.
May Allah accept us and our prayers.
Was Salam u alaikum wa Rahmatullhi wa Barakatuh

Answer :

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Since the request was pertaining to a matter from Turkey, we asked a reliable brother to check into the matter. Hereunder is the article he has sent us regarding this matter which was released on the website of the the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Religious Charitable Foundation of Turkey as seen here:
Mufti Ebrahim Desai
Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah

Our Presidency has deemed it necessary to make the following statement due to some news articles published by BBC and other media outlets in the past few days concerning the Hadith project sponsored by the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Religious Charitable Foundation of Turkey.
It has been underlined on different occasions and by different agents that provide religious education and services in our country that it is necessary to present the message of the Prophet of Islam (saaw) in a simple and an understandable language. In this context, the Publication Board of the Presidency of Religious Affairs and the Religious Charitable Foundation of Turkey took a concrete and comprehensive step to initiate an original study by the name of "Hadith Project According to Subjects".
In this project, 7 Scientific Committee members, 10 verification and data preparation officials and 85 scholars from different Theology Faculties specialized in the field of Hadith have been working.
The aim of the study is to offer the contemporary audience the Prophet's message in a comprehensible language while taking into account the interpretations concerning hadith narrations, making necessary amendments in cases of misconceptions and omitting the issues and interpretations which do not have current value.
In preparing the project, the Traditions are explained within the context of the unity of Hadith and the Quranic verses; throughout the course of evaluating the Tradition, attention is given to the reciprocal connection of the basic religious texts and the existing internal coherence between them. Above all, the closeness among the Koran and Hadith is continually reflected in the texts. In interpreting the sayings of the Prophet, the classical Hadith sources are utilized besides making use of the interpretations which have appeared in the Islamic tradition as well as early Qur'anic commentaries, jurisprudence, theology and life of the Prophet of Islam.
The current work takes as its starting point the methodology of Islamic understanding and interpretation that has grown out of the Islamic intellectual tradition. While the Hadith project seeks to establish a connection between Hadith narrations and current thinking and scientific data, it has avoided judging the past on the basis of today's categories and stayed away from extreme interpretations.
Describing the Hadith project through such words as "reform", "revision", or "revolution" is entirely wrong. This mistake appears to developed because of defining Islam and the scholarly dynamism in the Islamic world through the historical and cultural heritage of Christianity. Consequently, our Presidency is surprised and deeply saddened by the description of this project with such baseless allegations as "sorting out the Hadith", "interpreting the Hadith within the framework of moderate Islam", associating the project with politics", "hiring a foreign advisor", "performing reform in the field of Hadith","making the Hadith consistent with the 21st. century", "changing the theological bases of Islam", etc.,. Such descriptions are not only against the stated intent and goals of the Hadith project but may also lead to misperceptions in our country as well as the rest of the Islamic world.
The main aim of the Presidency of Religious Affaires is to revitalize the message of the Prophet, as was performed in the past, and offer this blessed tenets to humanity in the most accurate way.
The Hadith Project was initiated and made a good progress with mentioned aim and ideas, and still carried on by numerous scholars working in different Theology Faculties in our country. We surely believe that the Hadith Project which has no connection with internal or external politics is entirely original, academic and scientific in quality. It will constitute an important step for carrying the universal message of the Prophet of Islam to the 21st century.
With deep respect and appreciation.

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