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Question Summary:
Taking oath on kufr

Question Detail:

1) A Muslim has a thought about breaking Namaz/Salaat whilst or before reading Namaaz/Salaat and also has other thoughts before/whilst reading Namaaz/Salaat. So the Muslim verbally says/utters the below statements, with full belief and intention in the heart and mind that he will become a kaafir if he breaks or breaks and restarts his Namaz/Salaat: "I accept kufr, right here and right now, if i break my Namaaz/Salaat", or, "If i break My Namaz/Salaat because of these thoughts(mentioned above) then I am a kaafir" or "If i break My Namaz/Salaat based on these thoughts(mentioned above) then I am a kaafir" or "I accept kufr and am content with Kufr if I break my Namaaz/Salaat" or “Ya Allah I swear on your names that I won’t let you down for the shaitaan by breaking or breaking and restarting my Namaaz/salaat" or "I am a kafir if I break or break and restart Namaaz/Salaat" or "from the notyom of my heart, im a kaafir if i break or break and restart my Namaaz" or , " I am a kaafir"(with the meaning and intention; if i break my Namaaz/salaat then im a kaafir).

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.

Dear Brother,

The Muslim in reference should educate himself on what thoughts he should inculcate in himself before performing salah and while performing salah. 

We understand the Muslim wishes to perform his salah to the best of his ability, hence, he wishes to burden himself with such vows to be able to concentrate in salah.

There is no need to that. Before performing salah, think of the greatness of Allah Taa’la, think about standing before Allah, think of Jannah, think about Jahannam and life after death.  

Condition the mind with such thoughts and train the mind to perform salah with concentration. Do this on a few occasions and gradually build on one’s concentration. Do not become angry if one’s concentration diverts. It is inappropriate to control one’s diversion with statements of kufr etc.  

And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best

Tareque Ahmed

Student Darul Iftaa
New York, USA

Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.


الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي (2/ 319)

 وإن قال إن فعلت كذا فهو يهودي أو نصراني أو كافر يكون يمينا " لأنه لما جعل الشرط علما على الكفر فقد اعتقده واجب الامتناع وقد أمكن القول بوجوبه لغيره بجعله يمينا كما تقول في تحريم الحلال ولو قال ذلك لشيء قد فعله فهو الغموس ولا يكفر اعتبارا بالمستقبل وقيل يكفر لأنه تنجيز معنى فتصار كما إذا قال هو يهودي والصحيح أنه لا يكفر فيهما إن كان يعلم أنه يمين وإن كان عنده أنه يكفر بالحلف يكفر فيهما لأنه رضي بالكفر حيث أقدم على الفعل

فتاوى مفتي محمود 458/8

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