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Question Summary:
Can the wife ask for divorce, if she is the abusive one in the relationship?

Question Detail:

My question is related to my maried lfie.
my wife keeps cpmplaining to her parents about me that i do not take proper care and doesnt support her Etc.......
I have tried my level best to take proper care of her and love her. But she says she cant see that i have feelings for her and love i have. She says i just think about myself and and says i am too selfish. 
But god knows i have tried all the possible means and tried to keep her happy. our problem is related to financial issue
She helped intitally me financially to clear my dues also she pays house rent. I am earnning less than her. There were few problems she used to abuse call me b..t...rd and  regrets getting married to me, but for favor she did i prefered to stay silent.
Anyway our relationship has soured from 2 3 months. The point has reached divorce
The Question is 
Is She right in asking for divorce?
She is claiming once we get divorced wants all the marriage expenses whatever she spent from her side plus the loan amount i owe her. can she claim it???
Is she right is asking meeting of both the families, as she plans to insult mr big time and also tell about my impotency factor
Please help me how do i and my family deal with my aggressive wife and her family?
We are not of voilent nature and I dont intend to divorce her.

Answer :

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh.
You refer to financial problems in the marriage. Your wife pays the rental. You also refer to your impotency.
These are two major considerations in a marriage. It is the husband’s responsibility to adequately maintain his wife and provide shelter for her. The husband must be able to fulfill the conjugal relationship with the wife. Impotency, is a major concern and a legitimate ground for requesting divorce. Our advice is you identify an appropriate person who is respected by the wife’s family and confide in him. Request him to intervene and amicably address the problem. If your wife does not want to continue the marriage, he could advise both of you to separate amicably and for you to issue her a divorce.
We advise you to turn to Allah with salah, dua and Quran and ask Allah to guide you.
And Allah Taala Knows Best
Mehrazur Rahman
Student Darul Iftaa
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Checked and Approved by,
Mufti Ebrahim Desai.

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