Question Summary: Women travelling in her menses Question Detail:
me and my wife went jamat, however when we left our house she was in halaate haiz. A) So is she a musafir or B)when will she become a musafir C) how will she pray her salah
Answer :
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. In principle, if a woman starts her journey in the state of haidh (menses) she will not be considered as a musafir even if she makes intention to go on a journey of 48 miles or more. When she becomes pure, if she now intends a full journey (48 miles or more), she will become musafir, however if she intends less than 48 miles, then she will not become musafir.1 In principle, if a woman begun a Shar’i journey in the state of haidh (menses) and then attains purity, the distance from the place she attains purity to her destination will be taken into account. If the distance is 48 miles or more and she doesn’t have any intention of staying at a particular place for 15 days or more, she will do qasar of her fardh Salah. If the distance is lesser than 48 miles, then she will read all her Salah in full.2 And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best Huzaifah Deedat Student Darul Iftaa Lusaka, Zambia Checked and Approved by, Mufti Ebrahim Desai. __________________ 1(رد المحتار 2/135( Ahsanul Fatawa Volume 4 Page 86 H.M Saeed. Fatawa Mahmoodiyyah Volume 7 Page 502 Farooqiyyah الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (2/ 135) - سعيد ) 2 طهرت الحائض وبقي لمقصدها يومان تتم في الصحيح كصبي بلغ بخلاف كافر أسلم •---------------------------------• [رد المحتار] (قوله تتم في الصحيح) كذا في الظهيرية. قال ط وكأنه لسقوط الصلاة عنها فيما مضى لم يعتبر حكم السفر فيه فلما تأهلت للأداء اعتبر من وقته. (قوله كصبي بلغ) أي في أثناء الطريق وقد بقي لمقصده أقل من ثلاثة أيام فإنه يتم ولا يعتبر ما مضى لعدم تكليفه فيه ط (قوله بخلاف كافر أسلم) أي فإنه يقصر. قال في الدرر لأن نيته معتبرة فكان مسافرا من الأول بخلاف الصبي فإنه من هذا الوقت يكون مسافرا، وقيل يتمان، وقيل يقصران. اهـ. والمختار الأول كما في البحر وغيره عن الخلاصة. قال في الشرنبلالية: ولا يخفى أن الحائض لا تنزل عن رتبة الذي أسلم فكان حقها القصر مثله. اهـ. وأجاب في نهج النجاة بأن مانعها سماوي بخلافه اهـ أي وإن كان كل منهما من أهل النية بخلاف الصبي، لكن منعها من الصلاة ما ليس بصنعها فلغت نيتها من الأول، بخلاف الكافر فإنه قادر على إزالة المانع من الابتداء فصحت نيته البناية شرح الهداية (3/ 38) ولو طهرت الحائض في السفر، وبينهما وبين المقصد أقل من مسيرة سفر تتم، هو الصحيح _____________________________ Notes from my beloved Ustaad Hazrat Mufti Hussein Kadodia Hafidhahullah, The first question that pops up in the mind of most Ulama when they hear this mas'alah is: " Isn't the wife tabi' to the husband, so it is his niyyah that is considered, not hers. Thus even if she was ha'idh she should be in hukm of Musafir as her husband made the niyyah?" In order for the niyyah of the tabi' - here the wife- to be passed over to the asl- the husband- the condition is that the tabi' must be mahal of niyyah in the first place. Once she is mahal of it, then it can be passed over to him. However when she is in haidh or nifas, she isn't mukhatabah, thus she isn't mahal of niyyah of safar at all, thus no possibility of it being passed over to the husband. There are number of masa'il based on the fact that the woman isn't mukha'tabah when in haidh. eg. she doesn't reply to Azan, as she isn't mukhatabah. (Imdadul Fattah pg. 219)